Primary Forum Luncheon #2
We will be presenting: County Commissioner Pct 3: Nancy Berry and Fred Brown, District Judge 472nd: Jerrell Wise and Jennifer Hebert, Brazos County District Attorney: Jarvis Parsons and Maritza Sifuentez-Chavarria.
All of the events listed below are current and up to date. Check back for NEW events and CHANGES to current events. Dates, times and locations are subject to change but will be posted here for you. We welcome you to join us!
Want to be a Member or Associate Member? Check out our GET INVOLVED page for more information.
We will be presenting: County Commissioner Pct 3: Nancy Berry and Fred Brown, District Judge 472nd: Jerrell Wise and Jennifer Hebert, Brazos County District Attorney: Jarvis Parsons and Maritza Sifuentez-Chavarria.
Let’s welcome our new citizens!
Join us at our headquarters to assemble bags for the new citizens.
We will be presenting, Chief Justice Court of Appeals: Matt Johnson, District Justice 272 JD Court: John Brick, Brazos County Sheriff: Wayne Dickey, State Republican House District 12: Ben Bius, Trey Wharton, and John Harvey Slocum.
Join us at the Wings 'N More Party Room (Southwood Valley) to meet your local candidates!
RSVP at: https://republicanwomenbv.wufoo.com/forms/rwbv-october-luncheon/
Join us for a night of socializing at Paolo’s Italian Kitchen! Click this link to RSVP:
Meeting Details: Check-in will begin at 11:15 AM and the buffet line will open at 11:30. The meeting will be called to order at noon.
Reservations: To ensure we are properly prepared for your presence, kindly email republicanwomenbv@gmail.com, or call 979-268-2308.
Reservations are requested by 9:00pm, January 19th. Cost with advanced reservation $20. All reservations received after January 19th @ 9:00pm, cost will be $25. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check or credit card (with nominal additional charge) accepted at the door.
Meeting Details: Check-in will begin at 11:15 AM and the buffet line will open at 11:30. The meeting will be called to order at noon.
Reservations: To ensure we are properly prepared for your presence, kindly email republicanwomenbv@gmail.com, call 979-268-2308 or RSVP at (link to RSVP to be posted)
Reservations are requested by Friday, May 8th; however, we will accept reservations/cancellations through Tuesday, May 12th. Cost $18 cash, check or credit card accepted at the door.
After Hours Event: You’re Invited! Bring a friend (or 3) for relaxed political socializing and an after summer regroup with friends. Meet some of the local race candidates and join or renew your RWBV Membership!
Delicious antipasto will be served. Happy hour pricing at the bar. See you @ Paolo’s Italian, 809 University Drive East (just east of the Hilton Hotel). $10 per guest or bring a friend $18 for 2! Purchase your own beverages. $5 Frozen Margarita, Sangria and Prosecco. 1/2 Price Wine Glasses. $10 Bottles of Wine. This will be In lieu of our Monthly Luncheon Meeting. Begins at 5:30pm but this event is come and go. RESERVATIONS PLEASE: rwbvreservations@gmail.com.
Offices Up For Election in 2020 Click Link Below:
Wednesday evening, February 12, 2020
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Best Western Premier, 1920 Austins Colony Pkwy, Bryan, TX 77802
February 2020 Candidate Forum featuring guests:
Texas Congressional District 17 Candidates:
⭐️ Pete Sessions
⭐️ Scott Bland
⭐️ Trent Sutton
⭐️ George W. Hindman
⭐️ Laurie Godfrey McReynolds
⭐️ Kristen Alamo Rowin
⭐️ Ahmad Adnan
⭐️ Elianor Vessali
⭐️ Renee Swann
⭐️ Jeff Oppenheim
⭐️ Todd Kent
⭐️ David Saucedo
6:00 - 6:30 meet and visit with candidates
6:30 - 7:30 candidate forum
7:30 - 8:00 additional meet and visit with candidates
Cost is FREE to attend.
To ensure they are properly prepared for your presence, kindly
RSVP by email to voters.txcd17@gmail.com
Reservations are requested by Friday, February 7th.
Last minute arrivals accepted.
The New Citizen's Ceremony will take place Thursday, November 21st at 10:00 a.m. and will be held in the Sanctuary at the Brazos County Administration Building, 200 South Texas Avenue in Bryan. We will have a "bag stuffing" on February 3rd at 1:00pm at Republican Headquarters. All help is welcome! It is also a good chance to share, discuss, and even get a chuckle or two. Mark your calendars! We want to welcome these new citizens who have worked so hard to become United States Citizens the correct way!
Good citizenship and defending democracy means living up to the ideals and values that make this country great. Ronald Reagan
6:00 - 7:00 PM: Reception, Book Signing, Photos
7:00 – 8:00 PM: Allen West offering remarks and responding to questions
$35 advance purchase tickets
$40 limited number of tickets at the door
Cash Bar
Book Available: Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death
The New Citizen's Ceremony will take place Thursday, November 21st at 10:00 a.m. and will be held in the Sanctuary at the Brazos County Administration Building, 200 South Texas Avenue in Bryan. We will have a "bag stuffing" on TBD time and date at Republican Headquarters. All help is welcome! It is also a good chance to share, discuss, and even get a chuckle or two. Mark your calendars! We want to welcome these new citizens who have worked so hard to become United States Citizens the correct way!
Good citizenship and defending democracy means living up to the ideals and values that make this country great. Ronald Reagan
Join us on November 13th, 2019 @ 11:30am for an informative hour of food and discussion with our guest speaker who will address the opportunities & challenges we face in the political marketplace and at the ballot box.
Steve’s political involvement and accomplishments are wide ranging beginning with involvement during high school. He is former Chair of the Republican Party of Texas, recently served the Trump administration as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director for the Office of Public Liaison. Steve has returned to Texas as Senior Advisor on the John Cornyn campaign, where he joins forces with Governer Abbott’s Campaign Manager, John Jackson.
Meeting Details: Check-in will begin at 11:15 AM and the buffet line will open at 11:30. The meeting will be called to order at noon.
Reservations: To ensure we are properly prepared for your presence, kindly email republicanwomenbv@gmail.com, call 979-268-2308
Reservations are requested by Friday, November 8th; however, we will accept reservations/cancellations through Tuesday, November 12th. Cost $18 cash or check accepted at the door.
Come join us at the College Station Hilton on October 9th, 2019 @ 11:30am for an informative hour of food and discussion with our guest speaker, Congressman Bill Flores.
Meeting Details: Check-in will begin at 11:15 AM and the buffet line will open at 11:30. The meeting will be called to order at noon.
Reservations: To ensure we are properly prepared for your presence, kindly email republicanwomenbv@gmail.com, call 979-268-2308
Reservations are requested by Friday, October 4; however, we will accept reservations/cancellations through Tuesday, October 8. Cost $18 cash or check accepted at the door.
Candidates Speaking:
3:15PM - College Station
4:15PM - Bryan Mayor & BISD
5:15PM - Bryan Council
Meet and Greet
Elections for 2019:
College Station - Mayor and Place 2
CSISD - Place 3, Place 4 and Place 5
Bryan - Mayor, Single Member District 1, Single Member District 2
BISD - Single Member District 1, Single Member District 3, Single Member District 5
After Hours Event: You’re Invited! Bring a friend (or 3) for relaxed political socializing and an after summer regroup with friends. Meet some of the local race candidates and join or renew your RWBV Membership!
Delicious antipasto will be served. Happy hour pricing at the bar. See you @ Paolo’s Italian, 809 University Drive East (just east of the Hilton Hotel). $8 per guest or bring a friend $15 for 2! Purchase your own beverages. This will be In lieu of our Monthly Luncheon Meeting. Begins at 5:30pm but this event is come and go. RESERVATIONS PLEASE: rwbvreservations@gmail.com.
The Republican Women of Brazos Valley are dedicated to seeing that all children are reading by the 3rd Grade. This was a passionate goal of the late Barbara Bush and one that we carry on each year. To ensure that all children “Read by 3rd” the Republican Women are actively involved in bringing attention to this important cause and donating our time to making that happen. Please join us! (this is in lieu of our monthly luncheon meeting) Located at the Brazos Center in Bryan.. This is the sixth annual celebration and fundraising luncheon.
This will be in lieu of our regular May meeting.
RWBV is organizing Reserved Tables for RWBV Members and their Friends. Pricing details will be provided as soon as Read by 3rd makes them available. Reservations or Questions: RWBVputsonpearls@gmail.com
“I'm a great believer that the most important years are the sort of early years but the preschool years and then into the first and second grades. If you get a good base in the first and second grade and you can read, you can do anything.” Barbara Bush
TFRW’s Legislative Day, aka Lege Day, is a biennial event designed to bring our statewide membership to Austin to see our Legislature in action, get training and information on legislative advocacy and issues, and also recognize our membership for their dedication to improving government through their various activities.
This event will be held in Austin on Thursday, April 25th with events at the Sheraton and at the Capitol. Back by popular demand, Belles ‘N Boots will kick off the happenings on Wednesday, April 24th at Scholz Garten in downtown Austin. The full schedule for Legislative Day will be released as speakers are confirmed. Click HERE for the most updated information including times, locations and events.
Don’t wait, register by Monday April 1st before prices go up. Don’t forget to wear your RED!
If you are interested in attending with other Republican Women of Brazos Valley please email rwbvlegeday@gmail.com
Doors open at 7:15PM
* Cash Bar * Snacks Provided * Limited Seating * Self Parking
Sales will continue @ the door (if not sold out)
Credit Card or Check only (no cash)
Dress is Casual
See you there Tuesday Night Live! (not Saturday Night Live)
This years event will be held at The Historic Ice House on Main in downtown Bryan, Texas.
Table sales available NOW for purchase @ www.BrazosGop.org and will end April 12th at midnight. See www.BrazosGop.org for all Table Levels and specific information
Individual Ticket sales **SOLD OUT** Please contact Oleta Shaw at 979-255-6444 to purchase
VIP Reception Individual Ticket sales are still available. Please contact Oleta Shaw at 979-255-6444 to purchase
Underwriting Opportunities contact Oleta Shaw @ 979-255-6444 for sponsor and recognition option.
To be on contact list for details, please send your contact information to: info@brazosgop.org
Our Republican Woman member and leader, Oleta Shaw, is chairing the event and is seeking volunteers to help with this event. Please contact her by email Oletashaw@yahoo.c
Important Times:
VIP Reception 5:30 PM– 6:30 PM (must have a VIP Badge to enter)
Banquet Hall Opens 6:15 PM (for individual ticket holders)
Dinner & Program 6:45 PM
Live Auction 7:15 PM
Complimentary Valet Parking Available - Tips Encouraged -100% of tips to CARPOOL
The New Citizen's Ceremony will take place Thursday, February 28th at 10:00 a.m. and will be held in the Sanctuary at the Brazos County Administration Building, 200 South Texas Avenue in Bryan. We will have a "bag stuffing" on Tuesday, February 19th at 1:00 at Republican Headquarters. All help is welcome! It is also a good chance to share, discuss, and even get a chuckle or two. Mark your calendars! We want to welcome these new citizens who have worked so hard to become United States Citizens the correct way! The next ceremony will not be until May 30th.
Good citizenship and defending democracy means living up to the ideals and values that make this country great. Ronald Reagan
In order to have the opportunity to register a US Citizen as an official Voter, you must be a Deputy Voter Registrar. Training sessions are held at the Elections Office located @ 300 E. William J. Bryan, Bryan, Texas on every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:45pm. Training lasts approximately 1 hour. You will need to SIGN UP for the training before attending. Please call 979.361.5770 or email kschuetze@brazoscountytx.gov to sign up.
““The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.””
The Republican Women of Brazos Valley is a volunteer organization and a PAC. We are not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. We are a member of the Texas Federation of Republican Women.
Republican Party of Brazos County Headquarters | , Bryan, TX, 77802, United States